Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Workplace Bullying—It’s a Bottom Line Issue!

The following is an excerpt from our article that was published by HR.BLR.com on October 12, 2015.. The full article can be found at:  http://hr.blr.com/HR-news/Health-Safety/Violence-in-Workplace/Workplace-bullying-bottom-line-issue#

What is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying is defined as the repeated infliction of international, malicious, and abusive behavior that interferes with a person’s ability to do his/her work and is substantial enough to cause physical and/or psychological harm that a reasonable person would find hostile or offensive.

Workplace bullying can take many forms including:
·       Shouting or screaming at a co-worker
·       Singling out a co-worker for unjustified criticism or blame
·       Excluding a co-worker from work activities or social events
·       Ignoring work contributions
·       Using language that embarrasses or humiliates a co-worker
·       Making jokes that repeatedly target the same person

The bad news is that bullies can be anyone in the organization—including managers and leaders. So, organizations must realize that, if anyone can be a bully and anyone can be bullied, having a policy against bullying is their first defense.  Policies can be helpful but to really have an impact, the policy has to be enforced and the subject of bullying discussed so that everyone knows the organization has zero tolerance for bullies.

Elements of a Workplace Bullying Policy
A workplace bullying policy should include:
·       Purpose or objective of the policy
·       Who it covers (all employees, managers, executives,)
·       Definition of workplace bullying*
·       Examples of behaviors that will not be tolerated
·       How to report workplace bullying
·       Investigation process
·       Consequences of workplace bullying

Communication Process
Once you have your policy developed, this is a great time for a communication blitz on the topic of workplace bullying.  Train managers on how to spot bullying and how to report it and on how your policy works.  Hold meetings with all employees to discuss the policy and the consequences of workplace bullying.

Let everyone know that each person has a responsibility to keep bullying out of your organization. This is another place where “if you see it, say it” applies.

Bottom Line

Most of us want to work for organizations where we feel productive and where our contributions to be valued.  Workplace bullying can impact our organization’s productivity and therefore, our bottom line.  Organizations today can’t afford to be silent on this issue—it’s too important to be overlooked.

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